Sunday, December 27, 2009


went to J-tea station
with Eva, Wendy, E tien
and Eva little niece
J-tea station again
haha this is Eva ideal
then we online, sing K
and had our dinner there
then i told them
that i going to Jb later
Shiang-Yi: Hey, later you all want stay at here until what time?
Eva: don't know
Wendy: I cincai
E Tien: or we go shopping?
Shiang-Yi: later you all stay at here until 12am wait i reach JB then i faster online msn chat with
you all
Eva: LOL this is funny joke....

my dad came to fetch me around 8.00pm
then we went to Jb
the moment i reach my uncle house
i text Eva
ask her whether

they still there or not
they really still at there
then crazing with my cousin
till midnight

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