Saturday, May 22, 2010


so many things flash
in my mind.....
then i only realise
i wasted too much time
to accompany those people
who doesn't care about me
and i had neglected those who
care and love me......

very disappointed to have such
friend like YOU in my life.....
you never care what
i told YOU....
then slowly i realise......
you will find me when YOU
face problem
or you too boring....
but i still try my best to
entertain you.....
sometime your words are hurting....
sometime your acting are hurting.....
if you really don't care
who am i
you can delete
my phone number
my facebook
my e-mail
in your acc....
i don't care!!!!!!!!!
ya very straightforward....
and you can actually
guess who are YOU

I am here today
not because of
YOU or YOU and YOU
is because i am who i am

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