Friday, August 14, 2009


So damn angry today,.
the stupid CC lab assistance in school.
Every time go to CC
must see her stupid old face.
I don't like it.
The way she chase us out
from the CC
is so damn stupid.
Brainless people.
School CC if cannot use
then open for what?
Don't call makmal bestari
better change to
museum bestari.
Teacher already say
Form 6 student can use
CC anytime
as long as no teaching teaching in the class
and we no need teacher to accompany us to go.
And the stupid assistance
say cannot enter without teacher.
She think the lab is belong to her?
Don't like her attitude.
The way she stand also like stupid people.
Her hand must put at her waist
siau meh
she think she is what?
Miss World??
I think
Next time,
can you please say
"students you all are not allow to use pc now come again next time"
then slowly wait for us to close the pc.
Please don't' say
"why you all at here? Do what? Now no class? Why no teacher accompany you? GO BACK!"
then stand with her stupid posting
wait us to get out from there.
I think at school
the most irritating group of people is
lab assistance.

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