Wednesday, August 19, 2009

very unlucky day

OMG today is not my day.
Early in the morning
have to face the damn noisy class.
Why form 2 student
cannot stop their mouth
even i already ask them to shut up?
They cannot understand human speech?
And i already warn them
if they still continue make noise
i would not let them
go inside their class
unless they quiet.
Even until every prefect in
that block had let their student in
but i still stand at there
to wait them quiet.
But very sad thing
they never realize
that they are only class
who haven't went inside the class
even my ketua block stand beside me
they still cannot shut their mouth.
No choice so just let them in.
My bad luck follow by
when i was sitting in my school bus.
Got 1 Malay boy who
cannot find any double place
so he just pick any place and sit.
And yet the most lucky person is me.
OMG so many place for him to choose
why he want to choose to sit beside me?
Then... the guy fall asleep
i scare that his head will
suddenly come near me
when the bus turn left.
Feel very uneasy.
At that moment
i really wish to jump off the bus.
I hate it.....
Then when back house.
Think can end my unlucky day.
But the most serious event happened.
My mum suddenly
become so annoying
she start from 6.00pm
keep nagging until she sleep.
But actually i am the one
who start her anger.
But i think is not my fault.
I don't why she can so angry
and keep nagging.
my pity sister
and brother become the victim too.
My sister ask me
what happened why my mum
can so anger and annoying?
Then i tell her the story.
She say i very lucky
because later got tuition
so no need to be nagging by mum.
When i was at tuition
my mind keep think
will my mum become normal
or still nagging non stop?
Very soon my tuition class end.
When i reach my house
i saw somebody vehicle
my mind was like "Oh my bad day don't will end at what time!!!!"
Because i know somebody
for sure will come
and add some oil on my mum fire.
Just take off my shoes
and no people come to help me open the door.
I saw somebody and my mum
was sitting at living room
and i know she still not normal
so i shout my sister to open
but she already sleep
just wait at there till my mum open for me.
no peace at all
keep nag till she went into the room.
Hope tomorrow she will be normal.

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