Thursday, October 15, 2009


plan not going to school
but still went
because i want to practice
my speaking for MUET

After recess
i ask Wendy
Shiang-Yi: Wendy ar... 23rd oct is when?
Wendy: Wednesday lor because 22nd is on Tuesday
Shiang-Yi: (took out calender to make sure)
Shiang-Yi: OMG Wendy, you know 22nd oct is when mah??
Wendy: You last time tell me is Tuesday
Shiang-Yi: No no no is on Thursday. OMG 22nd on tuesday is last month why i so blur......
Wendy: LOL
Shiang-Yi: What is the purpose i came to school today??
Wendy: LOL
Shiang-Yi: Hey Nina you know when is 22nd oct?
Nina: Tuesday lah
Shiang-Yi: No no no is Thursday
Nina: (took out calender to check) Ish..... Shiang-Yi....
Shiang-Yi: Sorry....
Yesterday i told
every one 22nd oct that is
our MUET speaking test
is on next Tuesday
so i ask them come
to school
for last practise
I so sorry...

At night
went to tuition
tired dao....

Back home
not feel tired at all
started to online
1st time chat with
Lim Cong about my school things
feel so weird
because we usually
chat about
game and other
not important topic..

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