Tuesday, October 6, 2009


wake up at 4.00am
do my PA homework

then at school
dunnoe doing what

and dunnoe at where
i saw many palia people
i really very dislike them
they all not just palia
as i say before
i dislike a person from
my 1st sight
i will very dislike
them forever
congrats to you all
because you all had
just register your
name in my
dislike people list
keep on your palia
i believe 1 day
you all will finish
register your name
in all people list...

at night
chatting with my best pal
5 people in same chat room
so miracle
but very pity
because Sin Ni
din online.

1 comment:

  1. yalo...
    they reli palia dao........................
    x word can describe them...
    bcuz 1 seat oso wan oways snatch...
    they x feel tired de mah???
    i see oso feel tired....
    u though tat seat gt gold meh....
    and gt 1 ppl damn so kepoh...
    i sit ppl place none of ur bussiness ok....
    u though who ur????!!!!!
    reli kepohch*....
    u though ppl will thanks u ar...
    kepoh only let ppl hate u x thanks...
    wendy wanyee
