Thursday, October 8, 2009


My school life
never dull
because i got
a group of siau friends

fool around
making so
many laughter sound
everyone like
going crazy

1st- Nina
Nina: If you all got go Kenny Roger Roster BP Mall help me ask people there if want to open
party there 1 kepala berapa orang!
Shiang-Yi: 1 kepala berapa orang?? 1 kepala 1 orang lah
Nina: eh eh eh....

2nd- Jeevitha
while jeevitha eating
Us: Wah the rat intestine, monkey brain, kopi luwak (coffee which made of weasel faeces)
Jeevitha: =.= (no appetite to eat)

3rd- Shiang-Yi
Shiang-Yi: Hey you all know?
BP now got aeroplane
(saying with very serious tone)
Abi: Nowdays BP is developing
Nina: Aeronotic kos offered by UTHM
Shiang-Yi: No lah. Is child kid riddie aeroplane
Jeevitha: LOL
Wendy: Not only aeroplane but train and helicopter are now avaliable in BP
Nina and Abi: (=.=)
Nina: Abi let both of us hide under the table

4th- Abi
When Mr Chang enter the class
Abi: Wake up!! (say it out like calling us to stand up)
us: LOL
Abi: OMG
us: Abi you should say stand up not wake up...
Mr Chang: Sleepy?

5th- Yik Chin
Yik Chin: Why Mr Chang haven enter?
Shiang-Yi & Wendy: Woi.... Dun say that is very pantang ler.....
Yik Chin: (slepping and on the way to dreamland)
Nina: Yik Chin (whisper)
Yik Chin: (no reaction)
Nina: Baaam...... (soundly dropped her bottle on the table)
Yik Chin: (got up in a rush) (*_*)

6th- Goh
OMG cannot talk because sir is right in front of her.
Goh: (so clever use sign language to communicate)
Note: whoever want to learn sign language learn with her during maths time.... free of charge

7th- Gan
Sir: Are you sick?
Gan: (smile only)
Sir: Why you got flu?
Gan: Can i go to toilet?
Sir: What? You sleepy?
Gan: No i want to go toilet

8th- Ya Wei
Now we enter the quiet zone
Ya Wei: Shhhhhhh!!!!!!
Note: because she is too quiet so we don't realize her existence...

She is very focus doing her math. Matrix some of us very expert in this chapter
Wendy: Haha...
Jeevitha: Piak!! Beat on the shoulder
Wendy: Hey.. don't beat shoulder. Got fire ler... Then i become not "hang"
Jeevitha: Wait la you.. one day i bring real fire and bakar you
Wendy: Ok. I will bring lighter and help you light up the fire

10th- Nina dearest Mr Chang
he want to write something on the board. But occupied already so he draw a small box and write inside. Want to write more than suddenly he rub all the writng on the board

Sorry Jing Xian and Wansin
because both of you
absent so no update for you...

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