Thursday, September 10, 2009


went to eat breakfast with
my papa and my sister
before went to school.
In my whole study life
for 15 years
today is my second time
eat breakfast
with my papa
before went to school
really wish to eat breakfast
with him everyday

The first time
i ate breakfast with papa
before went to school
is 2 years ago
when i still study in Convent.
I still remember when i reach school
my friend copy my name
because late to school....

Second time
also late.... ^-^
when i step in
the school gate
pengawas percubaan: Ada orang datang lambat
pengawas: oh....
pengawas: form apa?
Shiang-Yi: (silent)
pengawas: oh form 6....
Shiang-Yi: (wrote my name inside the buku rekod pelajar datang lambat)
pengawas: sebab datang lambat?
Shiang-Yi: (shake my head and walk away)

Feel very weird
because last time
when i on duty
i was the 1
who ask people
now is their turn....

While walking toward my class
Form 1 junior: Jie-Jie
Shiang-Yi: Hi
Form 1 junior: Jie-jie you come late ar?
Shaing-Yi: Yalo
Form 1 junior: Then pengawas got ask for your name mah?
Shiang-Yi: Got lah
Form 1 junior: Jie-jie next time come early
Shaing-Yi: Ok

before my biology paper 1
discuss our trip after STPM exam
really siau
trial STPM also haven finish
but already
discuss for the next year program...

After school,
my papa bring me to pasar
because today at there got "pu tu"
got 1 indian people talk to me in chinese...

Indian ppl: 你好吗?
Shiang-Yi: ar
Indian ppl:你叫什么名?
I look at my papa,
he say tell uncle lah
Shaing-Yi: Shiang-Yi
Indian ppl: har..... hey why your daughter name is cigarette?
Papa: Not lah is Shiang-Yi

Reach home
my sis told me
all my fish die......
so sad....
my first own pet
die within 1 day...
hope my papa can get some
new fish for me soon...

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