Sunday, September 20, 2009


today date so special

Today went to Malacca
on the car i notice
my hp is not with me
call my papa go back ho
looking for my hp like crazy people
finally found it in my room


on the way
took many picture
especially my sis

see Wei Kian don't want to bother us..

First went to
jonker for walk only

brought 1 thing...
everything there is

so cute

so special and

guess what is this?
chewing gum?
or when you pull the silver part
the cockroach will come out?
No no..
when you put your fingers
try to put the silver part
you will shock
because got current.

Wei Kian a.k.a my sis bf

and me kena tipu
by the uncle....

Teochew association
for teochew people only..

on the way

back from jonker
saw this


went to have lunch
then went to shopping
bla bla bla
went to round round the town

then went to
Tan Kim Hock shop
to brought some
dodol and some food

so high...

went to shopping again
my sis and Wei Kian very tired
legs pain

no energy

they decided to find
a place for drink

the my parent and me
went for shopping

this is what my sis and Wei Kian brought
buy 6 free 2

then went to dinner at
Restaurant Famosa Chicken Ric
e Ball
on the way saw this

my birthday
then my mama say me siau
she say that mean dec 10
not oct 12

my papa park his car
until don't where

but is damn so far
I think from my house can walk to Shin Yi house
because of this chicken rice

heard people say very famous
and the 'Q' is damn long

not delicious as what i think

and Wei Kian only eat vegetable and chicken
i give signal to my sis call my sis cal him eat
but he is so paise

my mama call him take the fish eat
he only take a bit

my sis and me kena BOOM

Then we went to
Eyes on Malaysia

so excited neh...
request my papa and mama
go with us
my mama say she scare
my papa say later the chicken rice co
me out... (vomit)
so only three of us sit

i suggest my sis to pretend

as OKU

so we can get very cheap ticket for her
but she refuse

ignore the ugly me

our tickets
after brought the ticket
operator: Kakak masuk...
Shiang-Yi: (looking at Cheen and her bf) walau he call me kakak i so old meh?

inside the cable

see my papa and mama

because want to capture this picture
get scold from the stupid operator
Operator:Nak ambil gambar bukan kat sini ambil di luar
WTF i pay money ler
want to take photo also cannot meh?

very happy
although my legs is
damn so pain..

Lazy to upload picture......

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