Saturday, September 26, 2009


online whole day
chat in msn with so many people

at night
went to bp mall
because Wendy

want to treat us eat

saw Ser Yin there
then we use nearly 1 hour

buying the mask product

from Ser Yin

Wendy birthday celebration
end up only
Shin Yi and me
but ok lah

at least got people celebrate with her
we went to Pizza Hut

my friends so auntie


(secret cannot say)
the pizza hut waitress

look like don't to serve us... >.<

hen we went to
small but very sincere cake

shhhhh.... this is the reason why my friends become auntie

we went to
second round

at our old place

tea station
kena the waitress
suan me and shin
continue our sampat topic
chat till 12 only go back

back house
notice my pc password
not match as what i use
start crazing
seek help from my friends
give up
don't want to try anymore
continue chat with Shin in msn
she remain me many things

To Shin Yi
wahaha really thanks a lot wor
keke you know what i mean
i think no need say so much
really very happy and grateful
to make you as my sister
your mei-mei will
stick to you forever
wahaha you cannot run away liao

To Wendy
same as Shin
i also have a lot of
Thank you need to say
without you i think
i not able to.......
so many need to list out.
Hope you can know
don't worry
i will follow as digi
and i will not follow until lost

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