Thursday, September 3, 2009


went to school as usual,
very busy at school
busy coloring the
1 Malaysia logo that drew by us yesterday
very funny lor... ^o^
because none of us
bring painting brush
haiz @_@
try so many other method
i) finger
ii) tissue
iii) wet tissue
but still cannot!!
Yik Chin and Ya Wei
try to borrow from
form 3 student
but end up with nothing.
Then Nina went to ask help
from her friend Nano and Ayu (from upper six art)
Haha ^0^
suddenly Nina use the painting brush
knock the door and say
Thanks Nina and her friends.
We start color the logo
from 8.45am until 10.30am.

After recess,
my life was so miserable
because Mr Chong
keep calling me....@.@
I just went back to my seat
and sit for just a few minutes
Lim Shiang-Yi come......
Lim Shiang-Yi come......
haiz ~_~
like a nurse calling patient
to take medicine
finally he stop calling
and ask us to do homework.
Then we as usual
use the golden opportunities
to chit chat...
while chatting
got black black thing run through
under my desk
1st reaction: take my legs up and put on the chair
2nd reaction: shout..... AAAAAHHhhhhhhhhhh
3rd reaction: asking my friends what they saw...
They ask me what had happened
i told them got
black black thing look like mouse
come into our class
they still not believe
they say is my illusion...
that time i though
i saw dirty things....
but lucky
Cha Xin and Pei Chyi (lower six student)
knock our door and say
"got monitor lizard went into your class"
that moment only they believe me.
Mr Chang act as hero
he went to search for the monitor lizard
Mr Chang: So cute... why you all scare?
Shiang-Yi: Sir you like it, you can bring home take it as your pet...
Mr Chang: You see so cute..
Shiang-Yi and friends: (-.-)lll

Today also is the last two days
for Mr Chang to teach us math..
Today is the last day he call my name (yahoo)
no more Lim Shiang-Yi come..
no more lame joke
no more ok
Sir thanks to tolerant us.

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