Saturday, September 12, 2009


morning and afternoon

watching final destination 2
sleep and

watch astro


went to dinner at sea view

so many stupid guys

keep torture us

the few very siau guys
keep singing karaoke

if their sound nice

then never mind

but the point are

1) very terrible sound

2) sing wrong lyric

ok i know
my sound also

not very good
and sometime i also
sing wrong lyric

but i never
torture people as they do

and i don't Chinese

cannot recognize the word

so sing wrong lyric
is not a big deal

why no people stop them?

why they cannot sense
the all glasses matter going to break?

why they cannot sit stay on their place?

yuck people.

each and every time
the guys pass by
i will say to sis

Shiang-yi: Hey you yours friends is here. Faster say hi to them

Sister: Yuck.... who is their friends...

Shiang-Yi: you lah

Sister: hey we capture thei
r photo and post on our blog
Shiang-Yi: Har want meh?

Sister: Want lah....

The guys...

After dinner
went back home

decided to help my mum

reheat the food
so i open gas
and went to do my own things

after half an hour

i smell very smoky smell

faster run toward kitchen


the food is burnt
and the pot is black-black

very lucky is

i smell the smoky smell

before i went to watch movie

if not i think
the house might burn

thanks god...

The black black pot

Went to watch

final destination
at 10.45

but late for 15 minutes

and when i want to
my my seat

i accidentally
on the guys foot
so sorry...

so happy
ecause finally
i watched the final destination 4

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